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The Browser

of the future

At the intersection of AI and the web
Begin Browsing for Free
It’s free and super easy to set up

Hello Computer?

Thats right Scotty! future is here. Kible is the browser you can actually talk to

Teach me something new

Thats right Scotty! future is here. Kible is the browser you can actually talk to


Stored Locally

For your privacy, all of the recordings are stored locally on your personal computer. Only you have access to them.

Full Control

Easily pause or delete recordings at any time. Set history to delete immediately, 24hr or never

Exclude Specific Apps & Private Browsing

Tell Rewind which apps not to record and exclude Chrome Incognito & Safari Private windows.

Why Kible?

Read more about why we are doing this in our blog

The future is already here –

So, what are you waiting for? Give us a try today!